Oracle SQL Developer

Tecnología de la Información
Oracle SQL Developer
  • Preguntas 22
  • Duración 60 minutos
  • Idioma English
  • Precio 19.99 US$
Hire Oracle SQL Developers

Structured Query Language (SQL) is the set of statements with which all programs and users access data in an Oracle database. Oracle SQL is a Relational Database Management System required to provide conducive environment and operational support to Oracle database platforms. A good Oracle SQL Developer should understand the basics of Structured Query Language and be able to write and understand complex queries.

This test will help you in measuring:
Proficiency in Oracle SQL Basics
Knowledge in Advanced topics of Oracle SQL
Oracle SQL Database Query Writing skills

This is a 60-minutes test aimed at thoroughly evaluating the knowledge, concepts, application and analysis skills of the target audience in Oracle SQL Programming. The test has 22 items divided into three sections as follows:

13 MCQ/MCA items based on Oracle SQL Basics.
6 MCQ/MCA items to test proficiency in advanced topics
3 Oracle SQL questions to test the database query writing skills.
Recommended experience bracket of target audience: 0.5-2 years

Difficulty level: Moderate

Why Use Mettl's Skill Test?
Mettl's Oracle SQL Developer test is specially designed to cater to the level of skills that a good beginner to intermediate level developer would be expected to possess. We can benchmark the test for specific job roles with a vast array of global target audience that have already given the test for that job role.

Key profiles the test is useful for:
Junior Oracle SQL Developer
Oracle Developer
Oracle SQL Developer
SQL Developer

  • Preguntas 22
  • Duración 60 minutos
  • Idioma English
  • Precio 19.99 US$